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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Our Curriculum


At Southfields Primary School, we have worked hard on developing our curriculum and are proud of its detailed content, designed in a creative and engaging way.

Our curriculum is underpinned by these well-known Benjamin Franklin quote. Using this, alongside our passion for reading, we have planned for a creative curriculum based around books in which children can get access to hands-on, inspiring learning through a range of different opportunities. 

Year 1 Intent

In Year One our aim is to create an environment that encourages exploration and creativity through an engaging curriculum where children feel safe and nurtured.  Our children will learn to become independent, well-rounded and kind individuals who love to learn. In Year One, it is our aim to equip children with the skills they need to achieve as individuals in preparation for their future. 

Our curriculum is supported by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values.  Communication is an underpinning element in our children’s education. It has been developed in line with the school’s philosophy of a book-rich environment.

Year 1 Implementation

In Year 1, we implement our curriculum through:

·        A well planned and thought out transition from EYFS to Year 1 ensuring that the needs of the pupils are the underpinning element to this.

·        A variety of core and foundation subjects, expressive arts and physical activities.

·        High quality planning to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are covered, that there is a progression of knowledge, skills and topic coverage and that teachers and children have a good understanding of the learning journey and what skills are being taught, developed and revisited along the way.

·     Focused and quality teaching with clear objectives and personalised learning opportunities that support pupils where necessary.

·     Opportunities for the children to develop a broad and rich vocabulary.

·      A growth mindset; children are encouraged to reflect upon their learning and take responsibility for their achievement. Reflection time helps them to understand how to become a more successful learner.

·       Carefully planned visits, activities, community links, workshops, life experiences enhance the learning of our pupils and develop their understanding of how they can contribute to the community and society.

·       Differentiation and personalised learning opportunities that appeal to the interests, strengths of the children and gaps in knowledge.

·       Time for modelled, shared, group and whole-class learning, as well as opportunities for children to work independently.

·       Working collaboratively with other staff, the children and parents as this is a partnership and a shared journey.

·       Evaluating and assessing teaching and learning to continually develop the curriculum in order to suit the needs of the children.

·       Opportunities for the children to explore, experiment and investigate across all areas of the curriculum.

·       Celebration- sharing achievements, successes and celebrating the children themselves.

·        A love of learning!

 Year 1 Impact

The impact can be seen in everything that the children do from their work to watching them communicate with their friends. Strong relationships between staff and pupils play an important part in children’s education. As a result of the curriculum intent and implementation, we strive to develop confident, motivated and happy learners and this is also reflected in their outcomes and progress made.

Pupils leave Year 1 with a secure understanding of the appropriate age-related knowledge but are also able to show the progress they have made from individual starting points.

They have developed an understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to leave Year 1 respectful, skillful, ambitious and with a love for learning.


Year 2 Intent

Year 2 continue with our whole school’s communication-rich curriculum ensuring coverage and progression for all. Our curriculum is supported by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values however, communication is pivotal at Southfields. Our aim in Year 2 is for the children to develop their love of learning through an experience-rich curriculum which encourages them to flourish whilst continually developing their vocabulary. We believe that the vocabulary of the children is the key to their educational success which will then lead on to support them to fulfil their lifelong aspirations. We have developed our curriculum in line with the school’s philosophy of a book rich environment. We have carefully selected the books that we think will inspire, excite and develop a sense of awe and wonder. By the time the children leave Year 2 we hope that they will have developed their independence, resilience, belief in themselves and a love of learning. We also liaise with staff in Year 3 to ensure that our pupils are prepared and ready for KS2.

All of which is underpinned by our key beliefs – believe in yourself, value others, smiling, shining and being happy.

Year 2 Implementation

Our aims are achieved through cross-curricular learning where meaningful links can be made with other subjects. We ensure that the children enjoy an experience-rich curriculum through workshops, trips, visits and theme days as well as using the extensive school grounds. Learning is linked to key texts and reading is used to continue to inspire, discover and explore. Basic skills expectations are embedded across the curriculum to ensure the children are applying their knowledge and skills in different contexts. Planning embeds the questioning and vocabulary needed to enable the children to reach their potential and be encouraged to achieve more. The lessons are sequential but provide the flexibility to re-visit or move on quicker depending on the children’s abilities. Lessons reflect the needs of all children with appropriate levels of challenge including the more-able and those with SEND. We work with other year groups and subject leaders to ensure that our planning provides the right progression of knowledge and skills to ensure that the work is pitched at the right level to build on previous knowledge but also prepare the children for the next step in their learning. Each lesson has clear stick ability and teachers and support staff monitor throughout the lesson allowing for misconceptions to be addressed promptly and for children to be moved on where necessary. Pupil progress is measured through ongoing assessment and through three key assessment points.

Year 2 Impact

The impact and measure of the Year 2 curriculum are to ensure children not only acquire the appropriate age-related knowledge linked to the curriculum but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points. The impact this year group has on Year two can be seen in everything they do from their work to watching them out on the playground. From day one strong relationships are built between staff and children. The children remain at the heart of everything we do and this can be seen in their outcomes. Even for the children that do not meet age-related expectations, the progress measures can be used.

The children in Year 2 will have developed the necessary skills and knowledge in order for them to make progress in all subjects. Throughout the year they also develop as individuals, further to becoming active role models in their communities. Throughout the year they will have been developing their independence, questioning skills, resilience and be ready to further progress and learn in Year three.


The Year 1 and 2 curriculum is stated below:

For more information about how we teach each subject, please click on the links below to be taken to the subject areas of the website.



All of our other subject areas can be found via our Curriculum page.


  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
  • Logo
  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan