Supporting Local Schools 0-18
The Hub is here to support all schools in Peterborough in supporting children's speech, language and communication development.
We have experience working across Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools, so it is never too early or too late to be thinking about language!
Our outreach service is funded by the LA and offered to all schools in Peterborough.
Outreach services:
On average, 2 children in every class of 30 will have a specific language difficulty which impacts on their ability to access the curriculum.
We can help you meet the needs of those and other children in your school with speech, language and communication difficulties.
Training: We run regular Peterborough-wide training sessions on how you can support children within your school
On-site visits: We can visit your school to provide bespoke training to fit your staff development needs
Cost: Free!! All schools in Peterborough can access our outreach services free-of-charge