Computing is a big focus at Southfields Primary School and we aim to ensure that our pupils are prepared for the future. Children must now be taught a whole range of specialist skills ranging from simple word processing and typing to more complex 3D design and computer programming in order to keep them up to date with our technologically advancing world.
At Southfields, we will be continuing to use the amazing IT provisions we currently have, such as the up-to-date computing suite where every child can access their own computer, class sets of iPads and android tablets, minisuites in every classroom, Micro:bits, Lego Robotic kits, Interactive Smart Screens, Visualisers, Digital Microscopes, Digital Cameras, Projectors, BeeBots and more.
Children from Years 1 to 6 get specialist computing lessons weekly which sees IT delivered in a fun and engaging way. Our Computing curriculum at Southfields is based upon a progression of skills to enable all learners to succeed.
Southfields utilises many online learning platforms and websites, such as Tapestry in EYFS, Learning By Questions in Upper School, Purple Mash, ActiveLearn, IXL for all pupils and even Google Classroom to name just a few. We also use Times Table Rockstars, Espresso and we even get the parents on board too by communicating with them using ClassDojo!
We pride ourselves on our excellent Computing department and know that the children love using our computing resources too. They develop into confident users of technology and thrive from this integral subject in our curriculum.
For more information about Computing at Southfields Primary School, please use the links provided.
Please visit our school's intranet page for quick and easy access to all of our online resources: